Pioneer Family Academy
Meet the Principal, Kathy Kistler, and watch the video to learn more about PFA
OUR MISSION … “Why do we exist?”
- To assist parents to fulfill their God-given role of directing their child’s training and education, by providing customized instruction that is implemented in the classroom and at home
OUR VISION… “What are we becoming?”
- A source of community, support, and resources for Bay Area homeschooling families that they may educate their students who have unique learning styles and abilities.
- An educational environment that will advance Christ’s kingdom and bring Him glory by encouraging and developing Godly wisdom, Christian character, self-governing maturity, and academic excellence.
OUR CORE VALUES… “What are the essential values and principles that guide us towards the fulfillment of our mission and vision and help us make daily decisions?”
- Our core values are illustrated in the cross and four compass points of the PFA logo. These are a reflection of Noah Webster’s definition of Education as found in his 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language…
“Education comprehends all that series of instruction and discipline which is intended to enlighten the understanding, correct the temper, form the manners and habits of youth, and fit them for usefulness in their future stations. To give children a good education in manners, arts, and science is important. To give them a religious education is indispensable. An immense responsibility rests on parents and guardians who neglect these duties.”
DEVOTION… “a religious education is indispensable”
- First and foremost we are sincere disciples of Jesus Christ, and seek to honor Him in all that we say, think, and do. We encourage and instruct our students and families to put Christ first in their hearts and lives as well.
WISDOM…to “enlighten the understanding”
- God is the singular source and absolute standard for all truth and the Bible provides the criterion by which all other subject matter is to be judged. We seek Biblical truth, Godly understanding, and Spiritual wisdom that at times may conflict with the world’s interpretation of truth, understanding, and wisdom.
CHARACTER…to “correct the temper”
- Believing that greater gain comes from the process of learning than through accomplishments, we encourage our students and families to measure success through the development of Christian character more than the attainment of high grades, wealth, or position. (Micah 6:8). We strive for academic excellence, but believe that good academics is a fruit of good character (Col 3:23). Emphasis is placed on developing humility, integrity, honesty, respect, love, and service.
MATURITY…to “form the manners and habits of youth”
- We recognize that education is not merely acquiring information, but also learning how to learn and learning how to live. We challenge students to take ownership for their education and life choices, and encourage students in the development of self-government, initiative, diligence, resourcefulness, and creativity.
USEFULLNESS…to “fit them for usefulness in their future stations”
- We respect and celebrate each person’s God –given uniqueness and strengths. No two students are alike, and a “one size fits all” educational program will not serve students well. We desire that students understand, embrace, and flourish in their unique design and purpose. God has a perfect plan and purpose for each life and He doesn’t make mistakes. (Ephesians. 2:10)
OUR GOALS… “How will we get there?”
- Physical and Emotional safety are imperative for a child to learn and blossom. We will provide a culture of love, grace, and understanding, encouraging students to develop healthy relationships with each other and to embrace their classmates’ uniqueness
- Cultivate Christian character in the classroom and on the playground, and encourage the development of a lifelong love of God, family, community, and country.
- Provide a supportive and meaningful social community for parents, consistently respecting and strengthening them in their education and nurturing roles.
- Equip parents with the necessary resources, training, and support to provide an excellent education for their children.
- Offer an academic program focused on excellence in a creative group environment that will encourage a life-long love of learning, allowing students to flourish in whatever life course they may choose
- Equip students to apply Biblical principles and reasoning to all spheres of their education and life.
- Guide children to explore, accept, and embrace their God-given uniqueness and purpose, and provide assessment and customized education for students who require it. We will allow students, staff, and parents the freedom to be who they are and the freedom to learn through their challenges.
- Equip our students to live for Christ and influence their world for His glory and for His Kingdom purposes. (Ephesians 2:10)
- Explore and create opportunities to serve and engage with the Campbell community and the world around us
OUR EDUCATIONAL PHILOSOPHY… “What do we believe is the true essence of education, and how is it accomplished?”
- God is the singular source and absolute standard for all truth. He desires to reveal His truth to mankind, and has given us knowledge, understanding, and wisdom to comprehend this truth. He has revealed His truth through natural revelation within His creation, and through special revelation, the Bible.
- The Bible is the integrating hub around which all knowledge and all academic disciplines are connected, and its precepts and principles are applicable to every sphere of life. The Bible provides the criterion by which all other subject matter is to be judged.
- Education is not limited to the conveyance of content in the classroom, but includes the totality of a person’s life experience. Essentially all of life is an educational process, and it is a life-long process.
- The aim of education is to know and understand God and His purposes, and to worship and glorify God through every part of our being. It is also to “…enlighten the understanding, correct the temper, and form the manners and habits of youth, and fit them for usefulness in their future station.” (Noah Webster’s 1828 definition of education)
- God has given parents the responsibility for the education of their children. They may delegate, but never surrender fully, that responsibility to the Christian church or to the public or private school.
OUR COMMUNITY…“Who are we intending to serve?”
- PFA is best suited for families whose parents are dedicated to the principles of Christian living found in the Bible.
- Families outside of the Christian faith who desire to participate in the PFA program are welcome and must agree to fully support PFA’s principles and instruction in their communication and behavior with their students and others. Disagreements and alternate opinions must be discussed and resolved through healthy dialogue with PFA’s Administration in a private setting.
- PFA is a tutorial support program only. It is still the parents’ responsibility to work alongside their student, remaining actively engaged in their character training, academic reasoning, and in discussing and proofreading homework.
- PFA is best suited for families who are serious about both their student’s character and Christian scholarship, and are committed to investing the time and resources, and expending the energy and discipline, to personally provide their student with an excellent education in the home.