Bob Johanson
Mr. Bob Johanson
Ancient World History
Mr. Johanson has lived in Sunnyvale most of his life. This is where he met and married his High school sweetheart Carolyn. They have now been married over 42 years.
He and his wife and Carol homeschooled their daughter Danielle who was a part of PFA’s first graduating class in 2000.
He has been employed at United Airlines at SFO for over 44 years and has been an aircraft mechanic for more than 25. One of his pleasures is going on walks or biking with Carol and wrestling with his two German Shepherds Mishka and Malu.
Bob came to know the Lord in 1980 through an outreach at De Anza college where later he led the club and taught the on-campus Bible Study for many years.
After teaching the Jr. High class at his church in the 1990’s Bob was asked to be the Sunday School Superintendent and VBS Director and has been both since 2000.
Mr. Johanson has also been involved with Summer Camps at Koinonia since 1991 and has been the Jr. High Camp Director since 2000 (that was a busy year!).
“I love interacting with youth and seeing that ‘Aha’ moment brighten their eyes when they first understand a new concept or Biblical truth!”
One of his favorite verses is:
John 14:21
“The one who has My commandments and keeps them is the one who loves Me; and the one who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and will reveal Myself to him.”